Quick Technical Assessment: A2 Level of automation

A2.1 Electronic systems

A2.1.1 Has your country implemented Electronic Customs (and other services that facilitate Customs declarations in an electronic format)?

A2.1.1.1 Does it have the ability to receive, process and issue documents electronically?
A2.1.1.2 Is it integrated with an electronic payment system?
A2.1.1.3 Does it have the capability to authenticate users electronically?
A2.1.1.4 Does it ensure data/document security?
A2.1.1.5 What is the percentage of trade covered under this system?
A2.1.1.6 Are community partners/stakeholders connected to it electronically?

A2.1.2 Has your country implemented electronic Port (including air, sea, road, rail and inland ports)?

A2.1.2.1 Does it have the ability to receive, process and issue documents electronically?
A2.1.2.2 Is it integrated with an electronic payment system?
A2.1.2.3 Does it have the ability to authenticate users electronically?
A2.1.2.4 Does it ensure data/document security?
A2.1.2.5 What is the percentage of trade covered under these systems?
A2.1.2.6 Are community partners/stakeholders connected to it electronically?

A2.1.4 Has your country implemented any systems of cross-border trade other than above specified?

A2.1.4.1 Does it have the ability to receive, process and issue documents electronically?
A2.1.4.2 Is it integrated with an electronic payment system?
A2.1.4.3 Does it have the capability to authenticate users electronically?
A2.1.4.4 Does it ensure data/document security?
A2.1.4.5 What is the percentage of trade covered under this system?
A2.2 Has a single window system been implemented in your country to expedite cargo movement/clearance and to facilitate the international trade supply chain?
A2.2.2 (If A2.2 is yes) Does it support a paperless environment?