Quick Technical Assessment: A3 ICT Infrastructure for Paperless Trade

A3.1 Is network service available at all border posts, including ports, airports and cargo clearance houses, in your country?
A3.2 Are any of the systems mentioned in A2.1  “Electronic systems” connected via a common or single network?
A3.2.1 (If A3.2 is yes) Is it integrated and secure?
A3.2.2 (If A3.2 is yes) Is it able to provide a high availability rate of minimum 99.9 percent in terms of service level agreement for trade data exchange in paperless environment?
A3.2.3 (If A3.2 is yes) Is it able to support various communication protocols?
A3.2.4 (If A3.2 is yes) Is it able to provide secure information exchanges that ensure confidentiality and data integrity?
A3.2.5 (If A3.2 is yes) Is it designed to take into account future requirements such as device and technology upgrades?
A3.3 If a single window system has been implemented,
A3.3.1 Is it able to integrate, interface and interoperate with other existing heterogeneous systems (i.e., with systems on a different platform)?
A3.4 Does your country have a strategic plan to address ICT infrastructure issues for paperless trade?
A3.5.1 Is there a policy for the establishment of a disaster recovery plan at the agency level?
A3.5.1.1 Please indicate level of implementation for the disaster recovery plan (please specify % of agencies).
A3.5.2 Is there a policy for the establishment of a disaster recovery plan at the national level?
A3.5.2.1 Please indicate whether the disaster recovery plan is implemented at the national level.
A3.6 Does your country have a business continuity plan for paperless trade systems?
A3.6.1 (If A3.6 is yes) Is it regularly tested at defined frequency?