B2.1 If a single window system mentioned in A2.2 has been implemented, does it support cross-border data exchange?
A single window system is meant to connect systems of the stakeholders in the country via a single point of connectivity providing more efficient integration/interfacing. Likewise, a national single window is also meant to support cross-border data exchange. It acts as the national single point of connectivity which will ease integration/interfacing for cross-border data exchange with dialogue partners.
Good Practices
The single window system normally acts as the national single point of connectivity with all public and private stakeholders within the countries and also with dialogue partners. With the single point of connectivity, it eases integration and interfacing for cross-border data exchange. The country needs to engage with dialogue partners to discuss and agree on potential mutual benefits and challenges of cross-border electronic data exchange along value chains, namely information exchange between single windows. The challenges also focus on interoperability and suitable models between single windows to exchange and use information, in secure manner agreeing to a mutual recognition protocol, across borders without additional effort on the part of the users.
References and Case Studies
- Cross-border single window interoperability: a managerial guide (particularly on Chapter 4: D. Connectivity), https://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/CROSS-BORDER%20SINGLE%20WINDOW%20INTEROPERABILITY.pdf
- UNECE Recommendation NO. 36: Single Window Interoperability, http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trade/Publications/ECE-TRADE-431E_Rec36.pdf
- Case Example: ASEAN Single Window Architecture, https://asw.asean.org/index.php/faq, https://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/S7-8_NSW-ASW%20presentation%20%288%20Aug%202018%29.pdf
B2.2 (If B2.1 is yes) Does it function as the national single window, which acts as the national single point of connectivity for any cross-border data exchange with other dialogue partners?
Expected Answers
- Yes - the system functions as the national single window which acts as the national single point of connectivity for any cross-border data exchange with other dialogue partners.
- No - the current system does not function as the national single window. It does not act as the national single point of connectivity for any cross-border data exchange with other dialogue partners.