B6.1 Does your country have an awareness programme (for example capacity-building, training, workshops) for stakeholders to have a better understanding of the following issues?
B6.1.1 How could cross-border data exchange be implemented?
Awareness programme is important for stakeholders to understand how cross-border data exchange could be carried out so as to reduce their anxiety and that they will be prepared to address any issues that may arise. Capacity building and training workshops must be conducted to build understanding and skills among stakeholders on topics such as data harmonization, simplification, compatibility, interoperability, and security.
Good Practices
Awareness programme aims to raise understanding and also build capacity of both public and private stakeholders in several aspects of cross-border data exchange. The awareness and capacity building programme should be conducted in the early planning and also during implementation stages.
The awareness programme should address benefits and also potential challenges such as ensuring effective stakeholder engagement, an enabling legal framework, and re-engineering business processes, and data harmonization. It could also cover lessons learned from other countries in implementing cross-border data exchange.
If a country lacks the expertise to carry out such awareness programme to cover some certain topics such as business process analysis, data harmonization & simplification, system development, project management, etc., it may look for technical assistance from external parties under the Framework Agreement on Cross-border Paperless Trade.
References and Case Studies
- A Case Example on Capacity Building Workshop for Cross-border Paperless Trade Facilitation, https://www.unescap.org/events/capacity-building-workshop-cross-border-paperless-trade-facilitation-implications-emerging
- A Regional Workshop on Cross-Border Trade Facilitation and Single Window Implementation in Northeast Asia, https://www.unescap.org/events/workshop-cross-border-trade-facilitation-and-single-window-implementation-northeast-asia
B6.1.2 Potential business transactions and documents for cross-border data exchange?
Potential benefits and possibility of business transactions and documents appropriate for cross-border data exchange may not be obvious. Awareness and capability building programme could help public and private stakeholders to understand those issues including potential transactions and documents for cross-border data exchange.
Good Practices
There are several potential business transactions and documents related to international trade that cross-border data exchange could be beneficial to stakeholders. However, it depends on the context, specific needs and priority of each country which is different.
Different countries have chosen different documents and related business transactions for establishing electronic cross-border data exchange, e.g. certificates of origin, phytosanitary and sanitary certificates, CITES Permits, and customs declarations including transit data.
References and Case Studies
- Virtual Consultative workshop on CITES electronic Permit information exchange (EPIX) for Parties from the UNECE and ESCAP region, https://www.unescap.org/events/virtual-consultative-workshop-cites-electronic-permit-information-exchange-epix-parties-unece
- Cross-border eCITES data exchange, https://cites.org/eng/prog/eCITES
- Electronic Phytosanitary, https://www.ippc.int/en/ephyto/
- Electronic Certificate Business Requirements, https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/cefact/brs/BRS_ExportCertificate__eCert__v5.1.0.pdf
- ASEAN Certificates of Origin (ATIGA) Cross-Border Data Exchange, https://asw.asean.org/about-asw
B6.1.3 Methods of identifying inhibitors that need to be addressed?
Many countries recognize the benefits of cross-border paperless trade by enabling the exchange of trade-related data and documents in electronic form across the countries. However, there are several challenges and inhibitors that need to addressed. In several cases, the country may lack the expertise and methods to identify inhibitors and how to address those challenges.
Good Practices
The awareness programme should raise understanding of stakeholders about potential challenges and inhibitors for establishing cross-border data exchange, and also methods to identify them, and how to deal with those issues under the country's context. Lessons learned from other countries in dealing with inhibitors e.g. lack of sustainable political will, or weakness of the inter-agency collaborative platform, and how to implement cross-border data exchange including critical factors are valuable and should be shared.
References and Case Studies
- Lessons learned in implementing cross-border data exchange for trade, https://www.unescap.org/resources/session-1-lessons-cross-border-data-exchange-initiatives-region-and-beyond
- Case Studies: Barriers to cross-border data flow, https://unctad.org/meetings/en/Contribution/dtl_ict4d2016c01_Kommerskollegium_en.pdf
B6.2 If the country has not conducted any awareness and capacity building programmes related to B6.1.1 - B6.1.3, what is your country’s future plan and targeted timeline to conduct an awareness programme?
Awareness program is important for stakeholders to understand how cross-border data exchange could be carried out so as to reduce their anxiety and that they will be prepared to address any issues that may arise. If a country has not conducted any awareness and capacity building programme or does not have enough of such programme, the future plan and targeted timeline to conduct an awareness programme should be established.
Good Practices
The country should access the levels of awareness and understanding of stakeholders related to cross-border paperless trade including potential benefits, organizational and technical issues and challenges. Key public agencies and representatives of private sectors could work together to identify needs and develop the country’s future plan and targeted timeline for awareness and capacity building programme.
References and Case Studies
- UNNExT Masterclass to build capacity related to trade facilitation and paperless trade, https://www.unescap.org/events/4th-unnext-masterclass
- Planning and Implementation Guidelines for Single Window and Cross-border Paperless Trade, https://unnext.unescap.org/content/single-window-planning-and-implementation-guide-0, https://www.unescap.org/resources/cross-border-single-window-interoperability-managerial-guide
B6.3 Does your country have the capacity to carry out the following: (i) business process analysis; (ii) data harmonization and simplification; (iii) system development; and (iv) project management?
Awareness and training programme is very important for building understanding and skills among stakeholders on how cross-border data exchange and paperless trade systems could be implemented. Key stakeholders must understand and possess skills related to several technical tasks, especially on business process analysis, data harmonization and simplification, system development, and project management. If a country lacks the expertise for those specific tasks it may look for technical assistance from external parties for training and consultation.
Good Practices
Awareness and training programme is important for key stakeholders to understand and build skills on how cross-border data exchange could be implemented. The capability building programme should cover topics related to streamlining processes on license, permits, certificates and other regulatory restrictions in a cross-border data exchange environment, data harmonization and standardization of those documents and required data, multi-agency large-scale project management, and system development.
References and Case Studies
- UNNExT Masterclass to build capacity related to trade facilitation and paperless trade, https://www.unescap.org/events/4th-unnext-masterclass
- Planning and Implementation Guidelines for Single Window and Cross-border Paperless Trade, https://unnext.unescap.org/content/single-window-planning-and-implementation-guide-0, https://www.unescap.org/resources/cross-border-single-window-interoperability-managerial-guide
- UNECE Recommendation 36: Single Window Interoperability, https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trade/Publications/ECE-TRADE-431E_Rec36.pdf